Wednesday, November 16, 2016
OverDrive Updates Android iPhone iPad Apps
OverDrive Updates Android iPhone iPad Apps

OverDrive Media Console for Android (v2.2)
- Sepia display option for eBooks
- Screen-dimming override for eBooks
- Faster EPUB performance
- Sleep timer for audiobooks
OverDrive Media Console for iPhone/iPad (v2.2.1)
- Orientation lock for eBooks
- Night mode and sepia display option for eBooks
- Screen lock override for eBooks
- Improved range of font size settings
- In-app library Website Finder
If you already have these apps installed on your Android device or iPhone/iPad, be sure to check the app for these new updates. If you do not have them installed already, you can download OverDrive Media Console for Android through the Android Market or download the iPhone/iPad version of OverDrive Media Console through the iTunes App Store.
For more information about these new releases, see this post from the OverDrive Digital Library blog.
Go to link download