Saturday, October 29, 2016

Opossums could save you from that deadly snake bite

Opossums could save you from that deadly snake bite

 Opossums could save you from that deadly snake bite

That, opossums right. Resistance to snake venom to test their superpowers to save thousands of lives that could be harnessed for the show.

A new universal opossums derived from the antivenom could defang the deadly effects of snake venom.

We give a sentence "Playing Possums play," it could be argued that opossums are really human society all have a role to play. Thanks to new research that can be set to change. These marsupials only by a scorpion and snake bites but the plant and bacterial toxins as well as the attacks that can save people from the antivenom may be important for the development shows that .

According to a press release about the study, opossums, seemingly immune to snake bites are poisonous. So that the opossum for use on humans can exploit the features of the antivenom was why he wants to know about the researchers found. The first bit of research on this topic was in the 1940s and early 1990s was followed by San Jose State University researcher Claire F. current Komives somebody to create a working education up to the antivenom therapy Then says.

A small chain of amino acids - - he and his team showed that a peptide from the 90s up to the research can neutralize snake venom. Researchers peptide synthesized in the lab, and then an American Western Diamondback Snake and Russells viper venom from one of Pakistan was injected into the mice. The treatment worked and the mice were protected from any adverse effects.
How do they spell the antivenom peptides Interestingly enough, scientists do not know exactly. One theory is that they are toxic to humans and render it ineffective, that is bound to a protein in snake venom.

Speaking of things that are toxic to humans, Komives and his team to create the antivenom has found a novel way. They reprogrammed to generate peptide E. coli bacteria, which help recruit. This unique production method, the preponderance of poisonous snakes generally have less access to the antivenoms help people in poor areas of the world which can be easily and cheaply made the antivenom, allowing large amounts of will.

According to the International Society of Toxicology, at least 421,000 people, with 20,000 deaths resulted, each year are bitten by venomous snake that is estimated. Most loads South Asia, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa is in. But before giving way to the antivenom, the team plans to test it on mice.

Research theme, the American Chemical Society, the 249th National Meeting and Exposition will be presented on March 23 in "The Chemistry of natural resources." 

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